A celebration quickly turns into an event when you add confetti to the equation. Whether guests throw colorful confetti at the birthday girl or boy to surprise them when they walk into the party, or pink and blue confetti rain down on an expectant mother at her baby shower, there’s no doubt that confetti takes a special occasion to a whole other festive level.
What professional sports victory parade would be complete without millions of pieces of biodegradable confetti floating through the air like a multicolored snowstorm? Anyone who has attended their city’s Super Bowl or World Series championship festivities understands the important role that confetti plays in a great party.
Where do you think those event planners get their biodegradable confetti in bulk? At EROSWholesale.com, of course! If your business caters to people who love to party, or if you’re organizing a huge celebration, you can find all the colorful confetti you need in our vast online inventory.
When customers need confetti, they need lots of it, and in order to meet that demand while maximizing profit margins, shop EROSWholesale.com for bulk quantities of biodegradable confetti at unbeatable wholesale prices.
We carry birthday confetti, confetti to fill Cinco de Mayo piñatas, pink and blue confetti for baby showers or “gender reveal parties,” and biodegradable confetti that won’t clog up landfills or litter streets during parades or other large-scale outdoor festivities.
Find out for yourself what party supply shops and big box department store retailers everywhere already know. EROSWholesale.com is the go-to destination on the internet for confetti in pink, blue, green, yellow, orange, red...any confetti color your customers need for throwing a truly memorable birthday, anniversary, retirement, championship or other milestone celebration. Shop with us today, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions about our products.